It’s not a guessing game. Picking the right wood for outdoor furniture is directly related to the weather. Those who live in an area where there’s lots of moisture or one that’s extremely dry dictates one factor you need to consider.
Another major aspect is how long you want to be able to safely and securely use the furniture you’d like to build. Timbertown Austin carries the best stuff for the project. We our hardwoods like ipe, garapa and tigerwood in stock and ready to go. But there are other choices. The three we mentioned, though, will guarantee that your finished product will take on mother nature with the strength of Fort Knox.
It’s not like the three hardest woods in the world are your only choice. Let’s run-down some other timber that works just ducky in the elements:
- Pressure-treated and Composite Boards.
Yellow pine for outside structures is pressure-treated with a preservative. We would not recommend this lumber for raised-bed gardens, though. Because of the chemicals, eventually the inorganic coating will leech into the soil and make for Earth-unfriendly veggies. Why? Because it’s impregnated with toxins. A rule of thumb: Use this material for framing an outdoor living space. Then there are plastic composites. They are made from recycled materials and spritzed with sunlight inhibitors to keep the faux wood from fading. Can’t use normal nails or screws with plastic composites. Translated, you’ll need to spring for special fasteners to hold the deal together. - Redwood and Cedars.
When you’re talking redwood, you’ll be purchasing a lumber that is mostly water resistant and bug-proof. Nice color, too. High quality redwood is fine for outdoor furniture. The low quality variety works well in the construction of a deck and handrails. You’ll need to seal it or risk rotting, though. All cedar ages to a silver gray. But you can stop that from happening by using a sealant on the sapwood, something like a penetrating oil to keep the color bright. - Cypress.
Here’s a wood that is mostly harvested from river beds and swamps. What does that mean to you? Because of where it comes from, it can pretty much withstand anything the environment can throw at it. It’s a close-grained wood with a white-to-yellow surface. Forget any fears of rotting. Like cedar, left alone it will turn a dark shade of gray. Of course you can treat it to keep some of its original color, but it will eventually shift into silver gear over time. - Ipe, garapa and tigerwood.
Hands down, the best choice you can make. Come on by Timbertown Austin and we’ll show you why this lumber beats all for any outdoor project. These hardwoods are gorgeous, water resistant, bug-proof and will never, ever rot. One look and you’ll be loading the pick-up with whichever of the big three you pick.
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