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outdoor deck planning

Why Winter is the Perfect Time to Get Online and Plan Your Deck

If you’re an outdoor junkie being cooped up inside all winter long while you watch your yard waste away can be excruciating. Thankfully, the Internet can bring all your landscaping and deck projects right to your desktop. Now is the perfect time to start getting all your ideas…more

Spring Cleaning Hardwoods

Hidden Hazards of Decks That Look Safe

Sure, your deck looks like it’s in good condition, but would it stand up to a close inspection? When you break out the white gloves and go a little deeper you may be surprised at the hidden hazards that are on, around and under your deck.

FSC Woods

Should I Buy FSC Certified Lumber?

“Is this wood from a sustainable forest?” “Is this product eco-friendly?” If you’re an architect or builder, you probably get asked these questions a lot. We all want to do our part to take care of the environment, and purchasing recycled or sustainable products like lumber is a…more

Deck Designing Tools

Top 3 Deck Designing Tools

When it comes to deck building there are a lot of basic construction practices that have held true for decades. However, technology has drastically changed the design process. Now high-tech tools that even builders didn’t have are easily accessible for all homeowners and user-friendly enough for anyone to…more